May 31, 2010

Still plugging along, trying not to get bored.

Hey all, still plugging along. It's been 30 days now. I've lost 10 pounds and Lendall's at 20; we're both down in inches overall; and feeling great! I feel so good, but it's tough to keep eating the same thing over and over, so I bought a cookbook the other day to get some inspiration on healthy (but delicious) ideas for our lunches. Speaking of healthy and delicious, we ate at a small, fast-food type restaurant in Huntington Beach, CA over the weekend called Malibu Fish Grill. It was totally awesome! There are four of them in the area, so if you run across one check it out! I had a chicken & shrimp kebob with brown rice, grilled zucchini, and a wheat tortilla. Fab, fab, fab! Yum. Lendall had grilled salmon on a Mediterranean salad and said it was wonderful. We need a few of those places scattered around Vegas! Come down on Malibu Fish Grill. If anyone knows of places like that here, please let all of us in on the action! Ciao!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

There's a vegetarian restaurant somewhere along Sahara. Red Velvet or Red something... not necessarily healthy fish but definitely more California style (so I hear) with veggies and such.