June 29, 2010

Exercise: A four letter word in disguise.

I hate exercise. Period. Finite. 'Nuf said. I know it's good for me. I know every function of my body, brain & soul is dependent on moving my arse. I've been told over and over and over. But, and this is big, it's dangerous for me to exercise. Don't laugh, I'm serious. Exhibit No. 1: went for a walk with my husband, fell on a crack. Splat - down like a sack of wet cement, right in front of the neighbors three doors down out working on their lawn. Painful & embarrassing. Exhibit No. 2: Bike ride with kids, son with asthma decides to stop (for inhaler user) right smack in front of me, on a narrow sidewalk with a busy road on one side and a row of sharp looking bushes on the other. I did get my bike stopped just as it tapped his rear tire, but the son behind me did not stop. You can imagine the rest, I still have the scars. Exhibit No. 3: Packed gym, muscle-headed trainer, room spinning….she's down! Again, painful and embarrassing. You get the picture yet? I could go on if you like. The DVD's, rubber bands, exercise balls, weights, it's endless. What's a girl to do? Dr. Oz (the holy grail of TV doctors) says we need at least five minutes of being outdoors in nature everyday (preferably with green areas and water) and 20 minutes a day of exercise. I live in the desert. So here's what I need: A beautiful park with plenty of trees, green areas, a lake or fountain to walk around, no children, cushioned paths, a sky-dome to keep the temperature at about 70 degrees, said dome should incorporate shade and a sun-blocking agent because I hate the stuff (it makes me sweat). And since this is my fantasy, I'd also like unicorns, deer and other woodland creatures grazing by and faeries flitting around to bring me iced water and blot my brow. Anyone know where I may locate this place?

P.S. - I just bought a kettle bell. I can't get hurt with that. Right?

June 17, 2010

New Mantra: Make Better Bad Choices (now repeat)

Learned a good lesson this past weekend. I've learned this lesson before, but I seem to have a short retention span. Lendall's birthday arrived on Saturday, and we thought "yay, let's go have a great dinner at Olive Garden and eat whatever we want!" Yipee. Ever had a food hangover? We were so full of creamy, breaded, meaty, and then sugary stuff that we literally were groaning the whole way home. And then, the headaches hit. Needless to say, we suffered for a full 24 hours. And what do you think my email box had in it? An email from Isagenix stating "Make better bad choices. Yes, go celebrate birthdays and holidays, but if you're going to eat pizza at least pick thin crust pizza." You get the drift. Next time (and there will be a next time!) we'll split everything and make better bad choices. Today I'm back to feeling fantastic, and I've got to tell you I love feeling hunger pains now. The fat is being used up! And I don't feel like I'm going to pass out from lack of sustenance. Isagenix is my new food, the rest is the supplement. Big hugs! Me

June 10, 2010

OMG - pregnant or menopause? Isagenix doesn't help this!

Okay, so by now I've realized that Isagenix is not the "miracle cure" of the new millenium. There are still some things, i.e., the wicked pain from hitting my little toe on my bedpost last night that are not instantly relieved by some antioxidant, adaptogen racing through my cells to the injured pinky. And, at the tender age of 40ish I'm experiencing womanly things that I've only vaguely heard about around the campfire after the men have snuggled into their cold sleeping bags. But, the stories were so scary (especially with my mom holding a flashlight up to her face in that ghoulish manner) that I've always ran off into my tent to snuggle with hubby in said sleeping bag. However, I must state emphatically that overall I feel fabulous darling! I'm so pleased with my extra energy, smoother skin, and better sleep that I'm certainly on the road to being a fan for life. Yes, the weight loss is slow, but it seems to be more of a by-product of the healthier living than the main focus. My digital scale keeps showing increments of weight loss instead of pounds of gain; and the tape measure is showing even larger numbers of shrinkage. I can live with this. In six months I'll definitely be a much smaller, healthier version of me - Pam, Queen of the Hot Flash