July 21, 2010

"Hey - you can use that in your blog!"

Great mood today; yesterday, not so much. You just ever have one of those days when you can't quite put your finger on what it is, but you feel like you could internally combust and just leave a smoking hole in your office chair? Mind you, it wasn't all day, just the first half. Even lunch (which I usually look forward to as yummy!) was disappointingly bland. My taste buds were on hiatus, and that's as rare as seeing the northern lights from Vegas. But, as always happens, a new day dawned and I'm back. Taste buds anticipating tasty lunch.

Anyhoooo, I thought I'd share with you today some of the comments I've been getting from my friends/family/acquaintenances on their ISA experience. Lately, I keep hearing the phrase "hey - you can use that in your blog!" which delights me - give me all your random thoughts, happenings, and feelings and I'll transform them into the written (pat self on back) word. As you know by now, Lendall and I have been on Isagenix for 2 1/2 months. He's lost 45 pounds and I hit 26 today. Yay! Several of the comments relate to our personal experience with the product, but it's so much better when others affirm our journey with personal stories. So here we go:


"I can't believe how much quicker I'm recovering from my hot yoga classes at night. I was so groggy afterwards." (Little thing; size zero. I felt so sorry for her inability to withstand the pretzel poses for too long…breaks your heart.)

"I've been parking farther and farther away from wherever my destination is to get some walking in, it feels great just to motivated to do that!" (doing that too)


"My skin feels fantastic! I haven't had a zit in ages."

"I think my skin feels better already!" (This was after two weeks of IsaWater)

"I haven't had an outbreak of eczema in weeks. I didn't relate this to the Isagenix until last night. After using it for months."
(This is my experience too; eczema runs in the women in the family on the back of our scalps - and I didn't think about it until this other person commented on it. I haven't had an outbreak in weeks either!)

General stuff said to me:

Personally: my gall bladder doesn't hurt anymore (one attack for no apparent reason). For this I am very thankful….

"I feel so good, that if I didn't have my water and a blender or IsaShaker bottle handy I'd just eat the powder!" (This one totally cracked me up as it came from someone who's generally pretty quiet and not easily excitable.)

"My allergies aren't acting up at all! Yay! I can easily be around the family cat now and didn't even realize how much better I was for a while." (You all know from my last post how I'm doing with allergies.)

"I got out a bag of steamer cauliflower and left over potatoes, cooked it and mashed it all together. This is weird. I didn't go for a burger or anything else bad. This is just weird for me - to want cauliflower!" (This friend is new to sticking to the 30-Day program and she's still hungry quite a bit. Another person said the other day that he's full for hours after drinking the shakes. When he was on SlimFast he was drinking up to nine (9!) shakes a day to try and stay full!)

"I work out all the time (duly noted; he's buff!), but I couldn't get rid of a couple of small areas of fat packs - I'm much leaner and ripped now." (Once again, my heart goes out to you dude).

"I'm sleeeeeppppinnnnng - only woke up once last night to pee!!!" - she was imitating Oprah Winfrey.
(Totally can relate to this one; and, I give all credit for that to my Ionix Supreme - I call it my "shot of dirt" - loaded with minerals, adaptogens, etc. - if Isagenix was a one-shot wonder with just a "magic juice" they could have built the whole company on this product).

"I hate the shakes, they're took thick and slimy. I'm trying all kinds of ways to change them up, so I can get the gorp down!"
(To which one of the doctors on our team, when told, replied, "Just get over it and get them in your body!" This is where I picture that Scottish guy in Austin Powers "Get into my belly!"

"I love the shakes! Especially the chocolate ones - they're just like a Frosty!"

"I hate the chocolate; love the vanilla."

"Don't like the vanilla, all we order is the chocolate."

"Don't like the IsaDelights; they taste like vitamins and there's an aftertaste."

"Oh my god! I love the chocolates (IsaDelights); dark chocolate is my favorite and these taste just like a high-end chocolate." (I agreeeeee! - my own O.W. moment)

"I eat the IsaDelights on my full Cleanse days with a handful of raw almonds, what a treat."
(As a reminder, always indulge in the IsaDelights on an empty stomach; not with your shake. The "brain food" needs an empty tummy to activate properly.)

Obviously, everyone's so different and our reactions, tastes and opinions of the products are as different as we are.

For me, I was addicted to food, now I'm addicted to Isagenix - must not go back...

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